OpenPlant Modeler Help

System Environment Variables

Several environment variables permit the relocation of 2D Rebar software directories. These variables are either set using the Workspace Configuration variables in MicroStation. Your System Administrator might be required to change them.

Variable Description


mandatory and must installed for the software to work. This environment variable points to the location of the Rebar software directory. Usually, this variable is installed automatically during the Installation procedure.


If not installed, all temporary files, Object files and defaults files are created in your current working directory - the directory in which your DGN file resides. When activated, this variable points to the directory location of an "alternative" working directory. Then, instead of your default DGN directory, files are created by 2D Rebar at this alternative location, regardless of where your DGN file might be located. This variable is used commonly in a networked environment, where you normally required these temporary files to be written to a local disk drive and not some location on the network where your DGN files reside.


If not used, the 2D Rebar Object Library defaults to the directory named Library within your 2D Rebar software directory. Each individual Object Library is then created as a sub-directory beneath the Library directory. Alternatively, if the Object Library is required at some other location (for example, on a central network server) this variable should be installed and set to the Library pathname (including the server path). In this case, the Rebar software directory might be located on your local hard disk, the Object Library on your network server.


If not used, the 2D Rebar Project Library defaults to the directory named Project within your Rebar software directory. During the Login procedure, you are asked to select one of the Project directories found beneath the "Library" directory. Alternatively, if this environment variable is activated and the Project Library is relocated, all Project directories beneath the new location are listed.


If not used, the 2D Rebar Support Library defaults to the directory named Support within your Rebar software directory. The barcodes.sys, display.sys, and barmarks.sys file as well as the barshape and language directories are located within this Support directory. Alternatively, if the Support directory (and its subdirectories) are required at some other location, this variable should be installed.


If not used, the file containing your Bar Codes information barcodes.sys is located by default in your Rebar Support folder or in the alternate location specified by REBAR_SUPPDIR (described above). Should this configuration variable be used, it should specified the full pathname (folder location and filename) of the barcodes.sys file.
Note: Therefore, the file can be renamed to some name other than barcodes.sys (e.g., MyBarData.dat).


By default, if this variable is not defined, the 2D Rebar database file —the RDB file— is created in the same directory and with the same name as your DGN file. You can set this variable to the location of an alternate directory in which all your RDB files are created.


Each time your Rebar session is saved, the RDB file is updated as well as the backup copy of the same file (using the file extension .RBK). If this environment variable is defined, all RBK files are created in the directory specified by the variable.


This Variable is used to define how the rebar data is stored. There are two options, externally using extension RDB, or internally storing the data in the DGN file. When you start a new DGN with Rebar, by default the rebar data is stored inside the DGN file. If you have an RDB file from a previous edition, you set this variable to 0 ("zero") to continue working with the RDB file, or set the variable to 1 ("one") to move the data inside the DGN file. The RDB file will be removed. If you wish to go back and continue working with an RDB file, set the variable to 1 ("one").


This variable can be set to 0 ("zero") or 1 ("one"). Is set to 1 ("one"), Rebar automatically starts 2D Rebar. Otherwise, you need to select Rebar > Login.


If not used, the file containing your Language information Language.lng is located by default in your Rebar Support\Language folder or in the alternate location specified by REBAR_LOCAL_LANGUAGE (described above). Should this configuration variable be used, it should specify the full pathname (folder location and filename) of the Local Language file. Note, therefore, the file can be renamed to some name other than "barcodes.sys", e.g. "MyBarData.dat".


If not used, the file containing your Language information Language.lng is located by default in your Rebar Support\Language folder or in the alternate location specified by REBAR_USER_LANGUAGE (described above). Should this configuration variable be used, it should specify the full pathname (folder location and filename) of the User Language file.
Note: Therefore, the file can be renamed to some name other than barcodes.sys (e.g., MyBarData.dat).


This variable is used to define the folder where the user can placed its modified shape diagrams. These are PNG files. When detecting shapes, Rebar display the diagram in the User directory instead of the Support/Barshapes folder. The name of the modified diagram files must be same as the one in the default folder.